Simple Crown Design

How to design a single crown


Step 1

After creating a case for the crown in 3Dme Cloud and loading the necessary data, click the [Design] button to enter 3Dme Crown.

Step 2

AI automatically finds the prepared teeth, tooth number, and prep margin line.

Step 3

If you click the [Generate] button in the lower left corner, AI will generate the optimal crown shape taking into account proximal and antagonist teeth (if the data is available).

Quick Guide

If there are multiple preps in the scan data, each prep and its corresponding margin line are automatically found, and the crown is also designed at the same time.


Currently, 3Dme Crown's AI design is optimized for natural tooth prep cases and works only on premolars or molars. Implant crowns, incisor and canine cases may not produce normal results.

Step 4

Click the [Export] button on the upper left to save the created crown model.

Quick Guide

When saving the designed crown, margin line information (.pts file) is also extracted for crown processing.


Crown correction is not available in the current version. (to be updated)

Last updated : 2022.05.26 Back to top

Last updated