Google Translation

Unexpected Error from Google Auto-Translation

With Google Auto-Translate on, a critical unexpected error may occur in Dentbird Solutions.

How to turn Google Auto-Translation off

Step 1

On your Chrome browser, Dentbird Solutions is shown in your language instead of English.

Step 2

How to disable Google Auto-Translation

You can also disable the Google Auto-Translation from your browser settings.

Step 1

Open your Chrome browser, ① Click the menu icon, and then ② Go to "Settings".

Alternatively, you can type chrome://settings/ in your address bar for a direct access.

Step 2

① Go to "Languages" ② Turn off "Use Google Translate".


If you disable Google Translate, it will be applied to all webpages.

Other Languages in Dentbird

Dentbird Solutions is working hard to support more languages.

Thank you for your patience.

Last updated