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This denotes the data moving through alignment. Only one mesh can be selected.
This denotes the data targeted to be aligned. A single mesh or CT volume can be selected.
It is impossible to select the same data in the Source and Target menus.
Quick Guide
Source data are always set to target data.
This mode performs only the fine alignment process in the current state without a specific initial alignment.
You can select a landmark on each data in Source View and Target view.
To obtain an accurate alignment result, it is recommended that the corresponding landmarks of source and target be in identical location and order.
Quick Guide
You can examine the selected order using the number displayed on the landmark.
Source view
You can observe the source data moving alignment and establish the necessary landmarks.
Target view
You can observe the target data to be alignment and establish the necessary landmarks.
The preview is updated in real time whenever a landmark is added or modified.
Quick Guide
It is recommended to select at least THREE landmarks each and perform fine alignment with the source and target aligned appropriately in the preview.
It denotes the AI based automated alignment setting method. The AI detects upper, lower, and facial data to align with the CT.
The CT volume must be selected as the Target and the oral scan data to be aligned must be selected in correct type Upper, Lower or Face data.
Last updated : 2024.02.29
You can select previously created landmark to move(Click left)or delete (Click right)