Mesh Common
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You can select input data that is the target of the inspection. Multiple meshes can be selected(Select all / Deselect all).
Converts the format of mesh data in the current project and saves it in batches.
The exported data are saved automatically in the download path set in the browser.
Duplicate selected mesh data.
Delete selected mesh data.
Translate: The mesh data moves in each direction as much as the translation value on when you click the up, down, left or right arrow buttons.
Rotate: The mesh data rotates in each CW(Clock-Wise) or CCW(Counter-Clock-Wise) direction as much as the rotation value on when you click the CW or CCW buttons. The rotation is based on the origin of the 2D handle.
Origin: Move the geometric center of all the open meshes to the origin.
Y-up: The current view is set as the front of the Y-up coordinate system.
Move the geometric center of all the currently opened meshes to the origin.
Z-up: The current view is set as the front of the Z-up coordinate system.
Move the geometric center of all the currently opened meshes to the origin.
Last updated : 2024.02.29