
1. Manufacturing setup

Configure the sequence to determine which crown will be processed.

1. Select design

This displays all the crowns created for the current case, allowing you to choose the crown for processing. It also shows the status of crowns that are either in process or queued for processing.

2. Select machine

Choose a milling machine. If a machine with multiple holder slots is selected, a tool for selecting these slots will be made available.

3. Select block

Choose a block. If the desired block is not available, you have the option to create a custom block.

Quick Guide

Frequently used blocks are prominently displayed at the top of the list when you select ⭐Favorites.

4. Positioning

Upon selecting a block, it is automatically positioned. However, you can manually adjust its location as needed.

5. Strategy

The tool strategy is automatically chosen based on the selected milling machine.

2. View Navigator

Clicking this button alters the perspective in the 3D viewer.


Manipulation of the 3D viewer during the manufacturing process is restricted to Navigator use only.

3. Cancel

This option cancels all current settings and exits the manufacturing setup.

4. Start

Initiates the process with the current settings.

Last updated : 2023.10.30 Back to top

Last updated