Modification Menu

Modification Overview

Dentbird Crown provides four types of modification.

1. Modification tool

You can use four different modification modes: Inner, Transform, Outer, and Adapt.


Modify the inner shape of the crown by setting the manufacturing method, inner surface parameters, and insertion path.

1. Toggle

You can switch between Guide or List modes for the parameter input method.

Quick Guide

  • Guide : Modify the parameters using an intuitive guide image.

  • List : Modify the parameters in the list format.

2. Manufacturing method

Select a crown manufacturing method (3D Print, Milling with PMMA, Milling with Zirconia).

3. Parameters

Modify the parameter values required for designing the inner shape of the crown, such as cement gap and minimum thickness.

In Guide mode, clicking the label will open the input field for each parameter.

4. Reset to default

Reset all parameter values entered by the user to default values.

5. Block out

Turns on/off the block out option to automatically handle undercut areas.

6. Apply

Changes the inner surface of the crown according to the values set by the user.


The newly set values are not applied until the [Apply] button is clicked.

7. Insertion direction

The insertion direction of the crown can be modified.

You can either move the arrow from the existing setting value or set the insertion direction to the current point of view.


Modify the overall shape of the crown by rotating and scaling.


Modify the appearance of the crown, and add or delete hooks.

1. Deform tools

You can modify the outer surface of the crown with a brush.

1.1 Deformation method

You can choose the method for modifying the crown's outer surface (Free deform, Add, Remove, Smooth, Flatten). Outer surface modification is typically performed by clicking and dragging with the left mouse button pressed.

1.2 Brush setting

You can set the range and intensity of the brush. By default, you can adjust them using sliders, and you can change the range by using Shift key + wheel up/down and the intensity by using Ctrl key + wheel up/down.

2.Smart edit

You can edit the groove or cusp by using sliders.

3. Hook

Hooks can be added at desired locations, and multiple hooks can be added.


Crowns with added hooks cannot be modified on the outer surface. Add hooks after completing the crown design modification.


1. Distance setting

Set the amount of contact with antagonist and adjacent teeth.

2. Block out

Turn on/off the block out option to automatically handle undercut areas.

3. Whole adaptation

Adaptation is performed considering both antagonist and antagonist teeth.

4. Occlusal adaptation

Adaptation is performed on the antagonist.

5. Approximal adaptation

Adaptation is performed on the adjacent teeth.

2. UI show/hide

You can hide both the modification tab and the tools.

3. Done

Click the <Done> button in the bottom left to apply the modifications and finish the modification process.

Last updated : 2023.10.30 Back to top

Last updated