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Clicking the [Outer] button on the Main Toolbar opens the outer tool.
Quick guide
The Outer activation tab changes based on the type of prosthesis being modified.
You can modify the shape of the crown.
You can freely modify the shape of the crown using the brush tool.
Quick guide
H 키를 누르고 조작 시 삽입 방향 기준으로 변형됩니다.
Use the brush to add the contour.
Use the brush to remove the contour.
Use the brush tool to smooth the shape.
Use the brush tool to flatten the shape.
You can adjust the brush size, with the current brush radius value displayed.
You can adjust the brush strength; however, strength does not apply to Free Deform.
You can enable the option to sync the brush size with the 3D view's zoom level. When synced, the brush size adjusts according to the zoom level of the 3D view.
You can easily adjust the anatomical features of the crown.
This feature is unavailable in bridge multi-selection mode and is only enabled when selecting individual crowns within a bridge.
You can adjust the depth of the occlusal groove using the slider.
Adjust the height of the cusps using the slider. You can modify the initially detected cusp point positions in the 3D view and adjust the buccal/lingual cusps separately
Add, modify, and remove holes for screws in the crown.
Click on the desired location to expose a screw cylinder for creating a screw hole. You can move the added cylinder by dragging it and remove it by right-clicking
The size of the screw hole can be set with a radius ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 mm.
Quick guide
For imolant case, the cylinder can only be rotated and cannot be moved.
Holes cannot be created for In-onlay and Pontic types.
Add, modify, or remove hooks on the crown outer.
Click on the desired location to add a hook. You can move the added hook by dragging it or remove it by right-clicking
Create a hook on the crown and click the [Apply] button to save the design.
Once the hook is merged with the crown's outer shape after clicking [Apply], the hook cannot be moved or deleted, even when re-entering the Hook tab.
You can't create Hooks in the In/onlay case.
In addition to the AI-based crown design provided by default in Dentbird Crown, you can design crowns in various shapes by selecting options such as Mirror, Copy, Pre-op Copy, as well as a wide range of library options
Select the type you want to change from the options and crown designs will be created with the selected options.
This is the AI-generated crown created by default in Dentbird. It designs the optimal crown shape for the case.
Copies the tooth on the opposite side of the arch.
Generation is not possible in cases where there is no scan data for the opposite arch or where the opposite tooth is missing.
In the molar area, the crown is created by duplicating the shape of the adjacent premolar or molar.
[Copy as proximal tooth] is limited to the molar area and cannot be used for anterior teeth. It also cannot be used if the adjacent premolar or molar is missing.
The crown is created by duplicating the tooth shape before preparation. When 'Copy as pre-op' is selected, choose the pre-op scan data from the Additional scan data, and click the [Select] button to generate the design.
Generation is not possible if there is no pre-op scan data available in the Additional data for reference in the design.
Crowns generated using Mirror, Copy, or Pre-op Copy may not have the optimal shape.
A library crown is loaded. In the molar region , three types are provided based on cusp and groove shapes, and three types are also available for anterior teeth.
You can select the base shape of the artificial tooth. Users can choose from four different base shapes, and after selecting a base shape from the items, press the Apply button to apply it to the design.